Sándor Juhász, Zoltán Elekes and Gergő Tóth has exhibited 3 posters of our recent work in the "Innovation, Economic Complexity and Economic Geography" workshop in Cambridge MA in August 2018.
The event was co-organized by The MIT Media Lab & The Institute for New Economic Thinking Young Scholars Initiative. Speakers are Cesar Hidalgo (MIT Media Lab), Mercedes Delgado (MIT Sloan), Adam Jaffe (Brandeis), Siqi Zheng (MIT Urban Planning), Pierre-Alexandre Balland (Utrecht), Andrea Morrison (Utrecht).
The workshop is on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/230674370818190/">Facebook</a>.
The posters:
<a href="http://anet.krtk.mta.hu/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/tth-et-al-2018_poster.pdf"><em><strong>Inventor collaboration and its' persistence across European regions.</strong></em></a>
<a href="http://anet.krtk.mta.hu/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/tth-lengyel-2018_poster.pdf"><em><strong>Inter-firm inventor mobility and the optimal structure of co-inventor networks.</strong></em></a>
<a href="http://anet.krtk.mta.hu/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/juhasz-broekel_poster.pdf"><em><strong>Individual genius or genius collaboration? Exploring the role of team work and geography for technological development</strong></em></a>