Attila Varga

Senior Research Fellow | Institute of Social and Political Sciences
Senior Research Fellow | ANETI Lab at Corvinus University of Budapest


I earned my PhD at the University of Arizona School of Sociology (2020), and I was a postdoc at Indiana University CnetS (2020-2024). I study the changing organization of academic research and scholarly communication. My particular focus are the structural consequences of the massificiation of research output, and the multifacted ways and efficiency of academic commercialization. In line with these areas, I have developed metrics and indicators to analyze the innovation activities of individuals and firms, including continuous measures of research interest similarity and patent novelty. My work has been published, among other venues, in PlosOne, PNAS, and Scientometrics.


B Lengyel, A Varga, B Ságvári, Á Jakobi, J Kertész (2015) Geographies of an online social network. PLoS One, 10(9): 0137248.