ANETI Lab is an interdisciplinary research group operating at HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies and at Corvinus University, Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies. We are sponsored by the prestigious Lendület Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

We are passionate about understanding how social and communication networks facilitate economic and technological development in cities and regions and combine approaches of economics, geography, network science and computational social science to explore this fascinating area of inquiry.

Collaborative knowledge production across space

Exploring how places are connected through the production of knowledge

Structural change and resilience in regions

Understanding the ability of regions to withstand shocks and develop new growth paths

Networks of creative and business success

Showing which network structures are conducive in success

Inequality, segregation and society

Linking networks to just societal outcomes

Spatial diffusion in social networks

Revealing the role of spatial social networks in spreading ideas and knowledge

Urban and spatial mobility

Mapping human behavior in cities

Labor markets and skills

Understanding labor mobility and matching between supply and demand of skills in cities

Open-source collaboration and business transactions

Mapping and analyzing networks of open-source and supply chain transactions
Selected Publications


October 15, 2024

The anniversary conference will include a keynote by Frank Neffke (Complexity Science Hub) and three thematic sessions organized by ANETI.

