

C Nast, O Llopis, D Yankova, P D'Este (2025) Sourcing insights elsewhere: The positive influence of academic engagement on scientific impact. Technovation, 139: 103112.


G Pintér (2024) Revealing urban area from mobile positioning data. Scientific Reports, 14: 30948.
B Lengyel, G Tóth, N A Christakis, A Bíró (2024) Antidepressant use in spatial social networks. Science Advances, 10(49): eadr0302.
R González, E Muñoz, A Fuentes (2024) Nonresponse in name generators across countries and survey modes. Social Networks, 79: 93-103.
R M del Rio-Chanona, N Laurentsyeva, J Wachs (2024) Large language models reduce public knowledge sharing on online Q&A platforms. PNAS Nexus, pgae400.
L Gallo, L Lacasa, V Latora, F Battiston (2024) Higher-order correlations reveal complex memory in temporal graphs. Nature Communications, 15: 4754.
J Koltai, I Wilhelm, G Kecskés, B Lengyel (2024) Hungarian researchers struggle amid EU funding ban. Nature, 631(8022): 740.
Z Elekes, G Tóth, R Eriksson (2024) Regional resilience and the network structure of inter-industry labour flows. Regional Studies, 58(12): 2307-2321.
D Yankova, P D’Este, M García-Melón (2024) Does repetition equal more of the same? tie strength and thematic orientation in R&D networks. PLoS One, 19(5): e0303912.
B Sziklai, B Lengyel (2024) Audience selection for maximizing social influence. Network Science, 12(1): 65-87.
H Schuster, A Polleres, J Wachs (2024) Stress-testing road networks and access to medical care. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 181: 104017.
W Schueller, J Wachs (2024) Modeling interconnected social and technical risks in open source software ecosystems. Collective Intelligence, 3(1): 26339137241231912.
R O Szabó, F Battiston, J Koltai (2024) Faultlines, Familiarity, Communication: Predictors and Moderators of Team Success in Escape Rooms. Small Group Research, 55(2): 330-365.
L Lőrincz, S Juhász, R O Szabó (2024) Business transactions and ownership ties between firms. Network Science, 12(1): 1-20.


D Kogler, A Whittle, K Kim, B Lengyel (2023) Understanding Regional Branching: Knowledge Diversification via Inventor and Firm Collaboration Networks. Economic Geography, 99(5): 471-498.
S Juhász, G Pintér, Á Kovács, E Borza, G Mónus, L Lőrincz, B Lengyel (2023) Amenity complexity and urban locations of socio-economic mixing. EPJ Data Science, 12: 34.
G Heiler, T Pham, J Korbel, J Wachs, S Thurner (2023) A large-scale empirical investigation of specialization in criminal career. Scientific Reports, 13: 17160.
M Abbasiharofteh, D Kogler, B Lengyel (2023) Atypical combinations of technologies in regional co-inventor networks. Research Policy, 52(10): 104886.
B Vedres, O Vásárhelyi (2023) Inclusion unlocks the creative potential of gender diversity in teams. Scientific Reports, 13: 13757.
V Ilyés, A Sebők (2023) University peers and career prospects: The impact of university ties on early labor market outcomes. Economics of Education Review, 96: 102456.
Z Elekes, A Baranowska-Rataj, R Eriksson (2023) Regional diversification and labour market upgrading: local access to skill-related high-income jobs helps workers escaping low-wage employment. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 16(3): 417–430.
J Wachs (2023) Digital traces of brain drain: developers during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. EPJ Data Science, 12: 14.
K M Kiss, L Lőrincz, Zs Csáfordi, B Lengyel (2023) Related adjustment of firm production after demand shocks. PLoS One, 18(1): e0280461.
B Sziklai, B Lengyel (2023) Finding early adopters of innovation in social networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 13: 4.
A Baranowska-Rataj, Z Elekes, R Eriksson (2023) Escaping from Low-Wage Employment: The Role of Co-worker Networks. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 83: 100747.
L Czaller, Z Hermann (2022) Return to skills and labour market size. Regional Studies, 57(5): 800-813.
V Ilyés, I Boza, L Lőrincz, R Eriksson (2023) How to enter high-opportunity places? The role of social contacts for residential mobility. Journal of Economic Geography, 23(2): 371-395.
M Aquaro, G Damioli, B Lengyel (2023) Innovative mergers and acquisitions and the broker regions of European integration. Regional Studies, 57(2): 287-299.


Á Kovács, S Juhász, E Bokányi, B Lengyel (2022) Income-related spatial concentration of individual social capital in cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 50(4): 1072-1086.
G Pintér, I Felde (2022) Commuting Analysis of the Budapest Metropolitan Area Using Mobile Network Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(9): 466.
R Di Clemente, B Lengyel, LF Andersson, R Eriksson (2022) Understanding European integration with bipartite networks of Comparative Advantage. PNAS Nexus, 1(5): pgac262.
L Lőrincz, B Németh (2022) How Social Capital is Related to Migration Between Communities? European Journal of Population, 38(5): 1119-1143.
K Kutasi, J Koltai, Á Szabó-Morvai, G Röst, M Karsai, P Biró, B Lengyel (2022) Understanding hesitancy with revealed preferences across COVID-19 vaccine types. Scientific Reports, 12: 13293.
R O Szabo, S Chowdhary, D Deritei, F Battiston (2022) The anatomy of social dynamics in escape rooms. Scientific Reports, 12: 10498.
E Bokányi, M Novák, Á Jakobi, B Lengyel (2022) Urban hierarchy and spatial diffusion over the innovation life cycle. Royal Society Open Science, 9(5): 211038.
J Koltai, O Vásárhelyi, G Röst, M Karsai (2022) Reconstructing social mixing patterns via weighted contact matrices from online and representative surveys. Scientific Reports, 12: 4690.
Gy Csomós, B Lengyel (2022) Geographies of the global co-editor network in oncology. PLoS One, 17(3): e0265652.
G Tóth, Z Elekes, A Whittle, C Lee, D Kogler (2022) Technology Network Structure Conditions the Economic Resilience of Regions. Economic Geography, 98(4): 355-378.
L Czaller, G Tóth, B Lengyel (2022) Allocating vaccines to remote and on-site workers in the tradable sector. Scientific Reports, 12: 4098.
T Gessler, G Tóth, J Wachs (2022) No country for asylum seekers? How short-term exposure to refugees influences attitudes and voting behavior in hungary. Political Behavior, 44(4): 1813-1841.


Zs Vida, I Járay, B Lengyel (2021) PhD students in life sciences can benefit from team cohesion. F1000Research, 10: 692.
L Lőrincz (2021) Do co-worker networks increase or decrease productivity differences? Entropy, 23(11): 1451.
E Bokányi, S Juhász, M Karsai, B Lengyel (2021) Universal patterns of long-distance commuting and social assortativity in cities. Scientific Reports, 11: 20829.
F Samu, K Takács (2021) Evaluating mechanisms that could support credible reputations and cooperation: cross-checking and social bonding. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 367(1838): 20200302.
O Vásárhelyi, I Zakhlebin, S Milojević, E-Á Horvát (2021) Gender inequities in the online dissemination of scholars’ work. PNAS, 118(39): e2102945118.
L Czaller, R Eriksson, B Lengyel (2021) Reducing automation risk through career mobility: where and for whom? Papers in Regional Science, 100(6): 1545-1569.
G Tóth, S Juhász, Z Elekes, B Lengyel (2021) Repeated collaboration of inventors across European regions. European Planning Studies, 29(12): 2252-2272.
G Tóth, J Wachs, R Di Clemente, Á Jakobi, B Ságvári, J Kertész, B Lengyel (2021) Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urban topology. Nature Communications, 12: 1143.
S Juhász, T Broekel, R Boschma (2021) Explaining the dynamics of relatedness: the role of co‐location and complexity. Papers in Regional Science, 100(1): 3-21.
S Juhász (2021) Spinoffs and tie formation in cluster knowledge networks. Small Business Economics, 56: 1385-1404.
G Tóth G, B Lengyel (2021) Inter-firm inventor mobility and the role of co-inventor networks in producing high-impact innovation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 46: 117-137.


Zs Csáfordi, L Lőrincz, B Lengyel, K M Kiss (2020) Productivity spillovers through labor flows: productivity gap, multinational experience and industry relatedness. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 45: 86-121.
Z Elekes, B Lengyel (2020) Related trade variety, foreign-domestic spillovers and regional employment in Hungary. Acta Oeconomica, 70(4): 551-570.
S Juhász, G Tóth, B Lengyel (2020) Brokering the core and the periphery: creative success and collaboration networks in the film industry. PLoS One, 15(2): e0229436.
L Lőrincz, G K Chihaya, A Hannák, D Takács, B Lengyel, R Eriksson (2020) Global connections and the structure of skills in local co-worker networks. Applied Network Science, 5(1): 78.
I Boza, V Ilyés (2020) Decomposition of co-worker wage gains. IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 9(1): 1-31.
Gy Csomós, Zs V Vida, B Lengyel (2020) Exploring the changing geographical pattern of international scientific collaborations through the prism of cities. PLOS One, 15(11): e0242468.
Gy Csomós, B Lengyel (2020) Mapping the efficiency of international scientific collaboration between cities worldwide. Journal of Information Science, 46(4): 575-578.
E Bokányi, A Hannák (2020) Understanding Inequalities in Ride-Hailing Services Through Simulations. Scientific Reports, 10: 6500.
B Lengyel, E Bokányi, R Di Clemente, J Kertész, M C González (2020) The role of geography in the complex diffusion of innovations. Scientific Reports, 10: 15065.


Z Elekes, R Boschma, B Lengyel (2019) Foreign-owned firms as agents of structural change in regions. Regional Studies, 53(11): 1603-1613.
R H Eriksson, B Lengyel (2019) Co-worker networks and agglomeration externalities. Economic Geography, 95(1): 65-89.
J Wachs, T Yasseri, B Lengyel, J Kertész (2019) Social capital predicts corruption risk in towns. Royal Society Open Science, 6(4): 182103.
I Szakálné Kanó, B Lengyel, Z Elekes, I Lengyel (2019) Agglomeration, foreign firms and firm exit in regions under transition: the increasing importance of related variety in Hungary. European Planning Studies, 27(11): 2099-2122.
E Bokányi, D Kondor, G Vattay (2019) Scaling in words on Twitter. Royal Society of Open Science, 6(10): 190027.


S Juhász, B Lengyel (2018) Creation and persistence of ties in cluster knowledge networks. Journal of Economic Geography, 18(6): 1203-1226.
B Lengyel (2018) J Glückler, E Lazega and I Hammer (eds.): Knowledge and Networks. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 67(1): 91-93.

2017 and before

I Lengyel, Zs Vas, I Szakalne Kano, B Lengyel (2017) Spatial differences of reindustrialization in a post-socialist economy: manufacturing in the Hungarian counties. European Planning Studies, 25(8): 1416-1434.
B Lengyel, R H Eriksson (2017) Co-worker networks, labour mobility and productivity growth in regions. Journal of Economic Geography, 17(3): 635-660.
B Lengyel, M Leskó (2016) International collaboration and spatial dynamics of US patenting in Central and Eastern Europe 1981-2010. PLoS One, 11(11): e0166034.
B Lengyel, Á Jakobi (2016) Online social networks, location, and the dual effect of distance from the centre. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 107(3): 298-315.
B Lengyel, T Sebestyén, L Leydesdorff (2015) Challenges for regional innovation policies in Central and Eastern Europe: spatial concentration and foreign control of US patenting. Science and Public Policy, 42(1): 1-14.
B Lengyel, L Leydesdorff (2015) The effects of FDI on innovation systems in Hungarian regions: where is the synergy generated? Regional Statistics, 5(1): 3-24.
B Lengyel, A Varga, B Ságvári, Á Jakobi, J Kertész (2015) Geographies of an online social network. PLoS One, 10(9): 0137248.
Á Jakobi, B Lengyel (2015) Geovisualising unequal spatial distribution of online social network connections: a Hungarian example. In J Brus, A Vondrakova, V Vozenilek (eds.) Modern Trends in Cartography. Springer, Cham: 227-240.
L Leydesdorff, H W Park, B Lengyel (2014) A routine for measuring synergy in university–industry–government relations: mutual information as a Triple-Helix and Quadruple-Helix indicator. Scientometrics, 99(1): 27-35.
B Lengyel, I Szakálné Kanó (2014) Regional economic growth in Hungary 1998–2005: What does really matter in clusters? Acta Oeconomica, 64(3): 257-285.
B Lengyel, I Szakálné Kanó (2013) Related variety and regional growth in Hungary: towards a transition economy approach. Regional Statistics, 3(1): 98-116.
B Lengyel, L Leydesdorff (2011) Regional Innovation Systems in Hungary: the failing synergy at the national level. Regional Studies, 45(5): 677-693.
B Lengyel, B Ságvári (2011) Creative Occupations and Regional Development in Hungary: Mobility of Talent in a One-centred Transition Economy. European Planning Studies, 19(12): 2073-2093.
B Lengyel, I Iwasaki, M Szanyi (2010) Industry cluster and regional economic growth: evidence from Hungary. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 51(2): 149-167.
B Lengyel, V Cadil (2009) Innovation policy challenges in transition countries: foreign business R&D in the Czech Republic and Hungary. Transition Studies Review, 16(1): 174-188.