ANETI Lab at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Regional Science Association

ANETI Lab, in collaboration with the University of Szeged and the Regional Innovation Subcommittee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is organizing a special session titled “Innovation Ecosystems: Building Regional Innovation Hubs.” This will take place at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Regional Science Association (the Hungarian section of ERSA), to be held in Szeged this week. Lab members will give talks on:

  • How much of the urban wage premium can be explained by occupational matching? –
    László Czaller
  • Decoding skill-relatedness: noise and signals in labour mobility – Gergő Tóth
  • Spatial life-cycle of online innovation – Balázs Lengyel
  • Product dependencies predict diversification along the supply chains – Sándor Juhász
  • Spatial Networks and Firm Performance: The Role of Labour Flows and Supplier-Buyer Relationships – Zoltán Elekes